How does the Hub work on incoming requests?
The chart below summarises the process that we follow at the European Investment Advisory Hub to assess, deliver and monitor our support to your investment project.

Project idea
A project promoter, public authority or private company needs advice on how to develop the investment project. The specific need and advice will depend on the project stage in which the Promoter is at the moment to contact to the Hub.

A request for project support is submitted to the Hub. Requests are received through the web portal, via a National Promotional Institution (NPI) or through the EIB Group.

Technical assistance process launch and screening
If technical assistance is requested, a Hub adviser will assess the project and contact the promoter to clarify the specific needs. If the project fulfils Hub’s eligibility criteria, we will proceed with the internal approval for technical resources and a budget to be allocated to the project.
Following an internal assessment and screening of the relevant EIB teams, the Hub will confirm the request allocation and endorse the project team.

The assignment is coordinated by the Hub adviser, who liaises with the various EIB Group directorates involved. Terms of reference for the assignment are developed where required.

Service agreement
An advisory service agreement is signed between the Hub (EIB Group) and the project promoter to ensure good collaboration and understanding of the task and its implications.

External consultancy
If necessary, depending on the assignment needs, external consultants can be contracted via the EIB Group framework contract or through an open consultation using the Group’s procurement guidelines.

Delivery and monitoring
Contract outputs are checked by the Hub as well as by all the experts involved during the course of the delivery of the technical assistance.
A personalised action plan
Depending on the advisory needs identified with the requester, financial and technical EIB Group experts are called upon by Hub advisers to contribute to the advisory package. National Promotional Institutions (NPIs) as well as the European Commission may be consulted as well in order to understand country specific needs better.
The requester is constantly informed of the development of his request and participates actively in the definition of the advisory package. This process allows the formulation of a personalised action plan which helps project promoters in a number of ways - for example by facilitating a correct and efficient planning of the resources needed.
Once the advisory package is formalised by means of an agreement between the EIB Group and the project promoter, the advice is delivered by the Hub, either though available EIB Group internal expertise or through external service providers.