To reduce gender inequality, improve access to finance for female-led companies and increase women’s representation in the investment community across the European Union, EIB experts provide advisory support to private and public institutions project promoters. There is, in addition, a specific emphasis on empowering female entrepreneurs.
Our services
- Advice to identify barriers and develop responses to address them
- Support for female entrepreneurs to improve their business development strategies and access to finance, increasing their representation in the investment community, strengthening their capacity and challenging unconscious bias, while raising awareness of the funding gap and missed opportunity
- Advisory support to facilitate knowledge and good practice sharing as well as the promotion of networking and matchmaking
- Capacity building, financial advisory and technical assistance to support access to finance for women-led companies under InvestEU
- Advice on the integration of gender perspective criteria in the design and delivery of social infrastructure and services
- Advisory support in planning and implementing gender-inclusive projects
- Definition of monitoring and impact indicators on gender equality
- Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the economic & financial costs and benefits related to the implementation of gender equality measures
- Provision of guidelines of good practices for the design of projects addressing gender inequality
Who benefits
Managing authorities and other public bodies, private project promoters, financial and non-financial intermediaries, National Promotional Banks and Institutions.
Request support
The InvestEU Advisory Hub support is available via a central entry point on the European Commission’s website.
While addressing your advisory request, you can indicate the EIB as the provider of services for your project.
More information on the EIB advisory services under InvestEU
To find out more about the services offered by the EIB under the InvestEU Advisory Hub send an email to