In a circular economy, products and materials are used for as long as possible. Waste is minimised. When a product reaches the end of its life, its components can be used again. A circular economy can thus reduce many environmental and climate problems, but it also helps innovation, growth and jobs.


With funding from the European Investment Advisory Hub, the European Investment Bank and the European Commission is creating the Circular City Centre. This is a team within the Bank that works on circular advisory products. It offers resources and advisory support while developing materials and tools to help encourage the circular economy. The centre builds on previous collaborative projects carried out by the European Investment Bank, the European Investment Advisory Hub and the Urban Agenda Partnership on Circular Economy, such as the Circular City Funding Guide.

To support EU cities that want to develop a circular economy, the Circular City Centre, also known as C3, collects and disseminates good circular practices, prepares circular city guidance and promotes knowledge-sharing through web seminars and other events. C3 provides project advice to cities to strengthen circular city governance, support the preparation of circular economy strategies and help prepare project plans for possible financing from institutions such as the European Investment Bank. The centre will also serve as an entry point for applicants interested in grants from the Circular Economy Technical Assistance Facility. This facility will be available soon under the InvestEU Advisory Hub.


Who can benefit from Circular City Centre assistance?

Cities can receive free advice and support for circular transition projects or plans through the C3 advisory programme. Advisory help from C3 is also free for public and private clients working on projects with cities. Anyone interested in the circular city topic can find helpful resources and tools to support their projects or activities on the C3 website. The C3 team can be contacted at